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Are there sufficient Gaelic-medium education resources available – books and so on?

Few languages including Gaelic education have the same range of resources available as there is in English-language education.  There is however, an  increasing range of resources being provided annually by Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, the agency set up specifically to support Gaelic-medium education.   Many of these resources are in the  most exciting new formats, from Virtual Learning Environments (online courses) to interactive whiteboard materials.  Up-dating reading materials is a priority, with the Storyworlds scheme at present  available in audio for non-Gaelic speaking parents to use at home.   Maths scheme materials are kept up-to-date so that children have work-books they can fill in and keep, and all curricular areas are covered. In addition to these physical resources, Gaelic-medium teachers tend to be inspiring practitioners in developing childrens’s skills through A Curriculum for Excellence learning contexts.

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