About Gaelic Medium
Gaelic is the language of teaching and learning in the classroom.
It is available to children who are fluent in Gaelic upon entering school and for those with no previous experience in the language. Gaelic-medium is available in the pre-school, primary-school, secondary school and in the further and higher education sectors.

Tha Gàidhlig aig a’ chloinn agam ach tha sinn a’ fuireach ann an àite far nach eil Gàidhlig aig na teaghlaichean eile a tha am beachd an cuid chloinne a chur don ionad Gàidhlig. Nach bi droch bhuaidh aig an seo air a’ chloinn agam – an dà chuid a thaobh a

Chan e an dualchainnt againn fhèin a th’ aig an tidsear san sgoil as fhaisge – no anns na leabhraichean. Nach cuir seo a’ chlann troimh-chèile?

Tha Gàidhlig agamsa ach chan eil aig mo bhean/an duine agam. Ciamar as urrainn dhomh Gàidhlig a chumail ris a’ chloinn agam?

Can children with additional support or special needs receive Gaelic-medium education?

I want my child to have as wide a range of friends as possible. Won’t sending him/her to Gaelic-medium education affect his/her network of friends?

If my child needs to travel to access the nearest Gaelic-medium facility, will his/her travel expenses be covered?

Since my child doesn’t speak Gaelic, will his/her learning of other subjects be affected?

Ged a bhios mise a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig ri mo mhac/nighean, bi esan/ise daonann gam fhreagairt anns a’ Bheurla. Dè nì mi?

Does GME honestly work?

I’m worried that my child’s English reading and writing will suffer if (s)he is in Gaelic education.

What is Gaelic-medium education?

Chan eil mi a’ faireachdainn gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig agam math gu leòr airson a bhith ga bruidhinn ris a’ chloinn agam. Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn cuid de na facail no den ghràmar a th’ anns na leabhraichean a tha iad a’ toirt dhachaigh às an sgoil.

But my child doesn’t speak Gaelic – how will (s)he cope?

Are there sufficient Gaelic-medium education resources available – books and so on?

Can you give me some background knowledge, as I don’t know anything about Gaelic?

How can I find out what the Gaelic version of my child’s name is?

How can I find a Gaelic name for my child?

We speak (for example) Thai to our children at home and not English. Will they still learn to use English well if we send them to a Gaelic-medium school?

There’s no Gaelic-medium education available in my town/council area – how do I go about requesting Gaelic provision?

I’m concerned that we won’t be able to ‘share’ the education experience in the same way.

I can’t speak Gaelic – how can I support my child with homework and so on?

Isn’t Gaelic a difficult language to learn?

People are always saying that Gaelic doesn’t have words for things like ‘computer’ and ‘helicopter’ – how can children be taught subjects like science in Gaelic?